About Us
The problem we solve :
It is challenging today for small to medium sized livestock producers to collect and record accurate data on their animals and then act on that data to improve the profitability of their operation and health care for their animals.
Our mission :
To make it easy and inexpensive for livestock farmers to collect and understand their animals important data metrics and make smart educated decisions so their farms can grow and flourish.
To assist small to medium sized grass-fed livestock producers compete against large industrial producers who use factory farming technology to mass produce meat using hormones, steroids, antibiotics and processed feeds with no concern for animal welfare and provenance.
Assist Livestock Farmers :
✓ Confidently build their dreams ✓ Grow to provide more jobs and support their community ✓ Share their values without fear ✓ Stop struggling and start growing
Why is AgriEid so much less expensive ?
✓ We are 100% online so no sales commissions are paid to the traditional rural store networks ✓ We do not have local sales reps driving around in new 4x4 Utes ✓ We are 100% private so we don't have to pay dividends or answer to VC shareholders ✓ We reinvest 100% of our profits back into the business to offer increasing value to our customers
We are focused on growing our strong network of loyal customers and we understand that price is an important consideration for all hardworking folks living on the land.
The AgriEid Story :
For years we struggled to grow our cattle breeding business because there was no affordable digital system available that allowed us to efficiently track and manage our livestock operation.
Not even the established brands on the market provided anywhere near the functionality and ease of use required to run a small to medium sized operation efficiently in 2022.
This is WHY our team has worked so hard over many years to design and build a better system which is now known as the AgriEid Digital Farm System.
We are revolutionising the grass fed livestock industry by making it effortless to collect animal data and act on it with the most advanced analytics tools available on any device - mobile, tablet and desktop.
If you are tired of guessing and need the critical data required to grow your livestock business - then AgriEid is going to be the silver bullet you have been searching for over the years. Stop guessing and start using a system built from the ground up by legit cattle farmers for all livestock producers.
Large commercial livestock producers have been using digital systems and management software for years to maximise operating efficiency and profitability.
These legacy livestock management systems are cumbersome, outdated, expensive and require extensive product training, installation and ongoing technology support services.
AgriEid combines low cost hardware (Smart EID Scanners + Digital Weigh Systems) with a powerful cloud based software platform that delivers a comprehensive and affordable livestock management solution direct to your iPad or tablet in real-time.
We provide livestock producers with powerful analytics so their operations can be improved over time by focusing on top performing animals and ensuring the health of their animals is maximised for improved profitability.
At AgriEid we work hard every day to assist livestock farmers of all ages to transition from pencil and paper to an easy to use digital management system with low cost optional hardware configurations.
We are focused on delivering the right livestock monitoring technology and management tools at affordable prices to boost on-farm production efficiencies.
3,000+ livestock producers use our market leading electronic hardware and software solutions on a daily basis with AgriEid customers located around the world in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, EU, Ireland and the UK.